Three of the loftiest ethical values of Judaism are:
1. Comforting the mourner
2. Visiting the sick
3. Helping a woman achieve marriage
This section is dedicated to the memories of our dearly departed, cherishing their memories, and keeping them alive in our hearts. With people emigrating from countries across the globe many people have little or no ability to visit the graves of families and friends that have passed on. So with the marriage of ancient traditions with modern technology we will try to gather information about those we wish to remember and integrate this with appropriate materials such as Kaddish Yatom (Mourner’s memorial prayer), El Malei Rachamin (G-d who is full of mercy) which is also traditional for funeral services, and other prayers and music that is traditional, symbolic, and meaningful to help us observe these anniversaries traditionally and appropriately,.
The format will be grouping people according to families, having a key photo graph on top of the page of the person being remembered, if possible a photgraph of the grave stone, any relevant stories or memories that are appropriate and make the experience more memorable, and a video player along with a video playlist for each mourner to choose according to their customs. This may not fit the requirements of everyone but it is a good start at what I will call e-Mourning.